One night I was chilling with Brooklyn mc, Pessimist at the studio. We was vibing off his first solo album called "The Dead End Begins" . His rhymes along with the back ground music of producers, Qzr, Ethic, Drastic B and Grazzhoper makes the Dead End a deadly combination of beats and
rhymes. One of my favorite songs from the lp , "Just Illing" has a compress kick & snare with
hot horns that comes in after every four bars. The ill piano sound on the track kept me in suspense to the point that I was waiting for pess to drop a new vesrse each time. Pessimist goes real hard with blazing lyrics along with a toung twister type of flow that will keep you more lost than an advance algerbra test. Another song that really snatches my ears was "Stay Real". In this
track he lets the listeners know that he does not have to be either a real live thug or a fabricated
studio gangster to be a real man. Although pessimist does not consider himself a gangster,
the track does remind me of the deep cover song performed by Dr. Dre & Snoop Dogg which
is a gangster banger. There is one song in the Dead End Begins Project called "Your Place or Mine ".
featuring Emma Frost . Your Place or Mine is a typical girly song that is about having a one night stand with an attractive woman. ; but one thing about the song is that Pess still keep it lyrical compare to alot of lyricist that choose to spit very simple when they are performing a girly song. The album is not that diverse as far as topics , although the sixteen track album is still defently something that is worth buying if you like lyricalious rhymes pouring on some tuff beats like
gravy on mash potatoes. Ya hip hop junkies can check out The Dead End Begins at different mom & pop stores in New York especially at Fat Beats. Also you can down load it from itunes for a small fee.
Written by Viktory, Bx Supreme Promoter
Written by Viktory, Bx Supreme Promoter